銘傳大學應英系在Rotary Taipei台北扶輪社舉辦「2021 ESSC解決社會問題英語演講比賽」中,以競賽主題「Youth Managing COVID」,5/8在西華飯店舉行的總決賽中一舉摘下冠軍和優勝兩大獎項。該賽事自3/2展開初賽,銘傳應英系有三組參賽,在全國各大學60組隊伍中,歷經3/20複賽,一路過關斬將,兩組通過初賽和複賽隊伍,於該系鄭杏孚老師指導下,5/8(六)於台北西華飯店總決賽的激烈競爭中,應英三丙蔡妤恩、蘇奕臻以Youth Cares Elders為主軸充分發揮專業長才,最終以優異的臨場表現摘下冠軍寶座;應英三丙陳宣伶、蔡聿超、許子君則以團隊The Hidden Tri拿下優勝獎。
Ming Chuan University Department of Applied English students won champion and runner-up at the final round of the 2021 English Social Solutions Contest, held by the Rotary Club of Taipei on May 8 at The Sherwood Taipei, with speeches on the assigned topic, “Youth Managing COVID.”
Under the guidance of DAE Associate Professor Lilian Hsing-Fu Cheng, two DAE teams made it through the semi-finals held on March 20. During the highly competitive final round on May 8, DAE junior class C students Yu-En Cai and Yi-Jen Su claimed the top prize by expanding on the theme of “Youth Cares for Elders”; while DAE junior class C students Hsuang-Ling Chen, Yu-Chao Tsai, and Tzu-Chun Hsu teamed up as “The Hidden Tri” to win the runner-up.
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