應英系學生參加由德明財經科技大學應用外語系舉辦的「英語簡報比賽」,題目為:行銷 (promote it)。
5/12(三)於德明財經科技大學比賽,由陳祥頤老師及蘇旻洵老師所領導的應英二甲趙彗庭、吳米雪、楊凱元同學以Detective Capsule為主軸發揮,以優異表現於比賽中榮獲第三名
Another wonderful news about DAE students!
Three students, guided by Maggie and Ashley, won 3rd place in the English presentation contest held by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Takming University of Science and Technology. Congratulations to the students, Maggie and Ashley.
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