第四屆印度-臺灣印度華語教材雙邊共構論壇 (實體線上同步)
"The Fourth India-Taiwan Bilateral Forum on Mandarin Chinese Teaching Materials for Indian Learners" ( Hybrid Events )
一年一度的臺印華語學界交流盛事來了! 一次接收臺灣與印度兩國華語教學學、業界發展與學術觀點,邀請兩國共22位專家學者共襄盛舉,對華語教學、線上教學、跨文化教學等主題有興趣的朋友,歡迎線上報名!!!
We are happy to announce "The Fourth India-Taiwan Bilateral Forum on Mandarin Chinese Teaching Materials for Indian Learners" will be held hybridly. We have invited 22 speakers and moderators from both Taiwan and India in the area of Chinese Literature and Mandarin Teaching. We sincerely invite you to register for the online forum and help us to spread the news to others.
Time 時間:2022. Fri. Sep. 30th - Sat. Oct. 1st
Physical Venue 實體參與: Hotel National at Taichung, Taiwan (臺中市全國大飯店國際2廳) (台中市西區館前路57號)
Online Venue線上參與: Webex Cisco
Event Language 會議語言: English Mainly. (Mandarin is acceptable) 英文為主,中文為輔。
Agenda and Register 議程與報名連結:https://forms.gle/tRUuCwpmmGk6XvZA7
Further question? 有相關問題歡迎來信: tecindia@my.nthu.edu.tw
333 桃園市龜山區大同里德明路 5 號