Taiwan Journal of TESOL [Indexed in ESCI, Scopus, & THCI Core]
Call for Papers
The Taiwan Journal of TESOL (TJTESOL) is an international journal dedicated to research on teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Jointly published by the Department of English at National Chengchi University (NCCU) and Crane Publishing, the journal publishes one volume per year, composed of a Spring and a Fall issue available as both print and online versions.
TJTESOL welcomes contributions in all areas of TESOL. Specific attention is paid to the connection between theory and practice. Research articles and book reviews are welcome as well as proposals for special issues. Contributions may be submitted from all countries and are accepted all year round. Manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications
cannot be accepted. The language of publication is English. The journal does not charge submission fees.
Submissions should be limited to no more than 8,500 words. All submissions should be sent through the online submission system.
Articles appearing in the Taiwan Journal of TESOL are indexed in:
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
MLA International Bibliography (EBSCOhost)
Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (Core)
Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences (TCI-HSS)
Airiti Library
For further information, please visit http://www.tjtesol.org/