應英系12月15日下午舉辦全系英文話劇比賽(Morgan Dooley Drama Contest), 這是應英系最重要的英語文競賽,用以強化學生的團隊精神、凝聚向心力、展現創意,及磨礪表達技巧。此次競賽由應英系三位文學教授擔任評審(蔡仁傑老師、許景順老師、吳凱書老師),並針對編劇、舞台呈現、劇情詮釋提供專業意見。比賽期間全系師生台上、台下全心投入,呈現難得的語用情境。比賽結果由應英二乙獲得第一名,劇名為the Shadow,應英三甲及三丙分居二、三名,劇名為the Emperor’s New Clothes和Matches Group to Sell Children。最佳劇本獎由應英二乙范皓晴、許嘉怡奪下,應英三丙洪淮賢則獲得最佳導演獎。其他個人獎項獲獎者:最佳女配角為應英二乙姚芷晴,應英二甲陳信越、何洵全及朱俊吉並列最佳男配角,最佳女主角為應英二乙李佩璇,最佳男主角為應英二甲林晉祺。
On December 15, the Department of Applied English held the annual “Morgan Dooley Drama Contest,” one of the most significant English events of the year. The contest reinforces students’ team spirit and fosters the unity of every class and the whole department. Performing drama utilizes students’ creativity to help them acquire and practice advanced English. Three professors specializing in English and American literature were invited to judge the competition. They gave many insightful and precise comments on plot, stage performance, and interpretation. The actors, staff members, faculty members, and everyone else involved devoted themselves completely to this drama contest. Together, they created an authentic and meaningful context for learning, and the students benefited greatly from this memorable experience.
- 校內活動
- 高中生專區
333 桃園市龜山區大同里德明路 5 號